
The main goal of the proposed project is to achieve “Intelligent Visibility” by monitoring disruption events throughout the critical path of a container trip and mitigate, as well as optimise, strategies that can be deployed, using Operations time as the most relevant weighted factor during the whole process (from the stage of initially planning the trip to final delivery point and overall evaluation). In order to apply Intelligent Visibility, the product development team is following a combination of Structural Visibility Capabilities and Dynamic Visibility Capabilities.

    Converting this model through the IoC platform can be used as a time-domain system, not only to monitor real time operations and report specific and overall performance indicators based on predefined formulas but also to use predictive analysis combining advanced searching; filtering in current and historical data enhanced with situational awareness, decision support and electronic logging of incident information and related actions of the involved organizations.

    Using a modular approach where the various data sources are extracted into a central repository, all the time-domain data will be available for cleaning, sorting and further processing. Rules and guidelines based on the model will be used to highlight the shipment time and create end-to-end visibility by breaking down all the steps into individual steps across existing applications. Using the stored data, the platform will be able to provide visibility into historical time stamps, make accurate forecasting and give immediate view into the journey bottlenecks. The central data repository can also be further enhanced by adding time-domain information by reprocessing historical data and provide prescriptive suggestions and reports that can be utilized for further process optimization.

    The proposed platform, combines the functionalities of data warehouses and data lakes, supporting business intelligence and machine learning in one platform that can store all time-domain data. This will provide a unified source of information, allowing sea, land and port teams to have a uniform way to overview the complete process while managing access control, data quality and compliance across all users of data using a common and standard interface. This can finally provide full visibility by reducing manual work, paper exchange and blind spots in the product journey.